Location and size of the fibroid doesn’t matter. The surgeons at CIGC can safely remove them without using power morcellators.
While most uterine fibroids are noncancerous, it is clear that there is a risk associated in using power morcellation to perform myomectomies or hysterectomies. Recent news reports about the potential spread of cancer from removing fibroids using a power morcellator requires some clarification.
“We don’t use power morcellation in our practice for removal of fibroids or uteruses,” said Dr. Paul J. MacKoul, MD. “The controversy is there are patients out there with cancers in the uterus that are undetected who are getting power morcellation to remove the uterus or the fibroids, and it could potentially spread disease.”
Power morcellation is not necessary for minimally invasive surgery.
“We don’t use power morcellation because we have developed techniques that are far safer and faster,” said Dr. Natalya Danilyants. “When we talk to the patient, we explain to them exactly how the procedure will be done, and they can see for themselves that power morcellation isn’t necessary at all.”
Minimally Invasive Surgery for Large Fibroids is Possible
African American women have fibroids two to three times more than Caucasian or Hispanic women. Also, African American women have a much higher chance of fibroids growing larger and causing problems than in Caucasian women. African American women develop problems with fibroids at an earlier age, with the fibroids growing faster, becoming larger, and causing more bleeding and anemia than with women of other races.
Learn more about fibroids and treatment at The Center for Innovative GYN Care.
Book a consultation with Dr. Paul MacKoul or Dr. Natalya Danilyants.
Schedule a consultation to learn more about how we can treat your condition today.