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How do fibroids affect pregnancy?

It is possible for fibroids to get bigger during pregnancy due to enhanced levels of estrogen in the body. Fibroids need estrogen to grow and, if they are not removed before pregnancy, they can increase the risk of miscarriage and pregnancy loss.

can fibroids occur with endometriosis?

It’s very common for fibroids to occur with endometriosis. Because symptoms of the two conditions are similar and often overlap, it can sometimes be difficult to determine which condition is causing the majority of your symptoms. CIGC’s surgeons can treat both fibroids and endometriosis during the same procedure.

Do fibroids go away on their own?

Fibroids do not go away on their own without surgical treatment. While it is possible for shrinking to occur after menopause due to a decrease in estrogen production, most patients do not have a significant decrease in the size of the fibroids. The recommended treatment for fibroids is minimally invasive surgery to remove them.

Can you get pregnant if you have fibroids?

Fibroids can make it much more difficult to become pregnant, and some women with fibroids may experience infertility. The type of fibroids that cause infertility most often are intracavitary fibroids growing in the cavity itself, or submucosal fibroids, which are located just underneath the uterine lining. Due to their location, intracavitary and submucosal fibroids can make it difficult for an embryo to implant in the lining of the uterus. To make pregnancy possible, these fibroids should be removed.

Can fibroids cause anemia?

Fibroids can cause anemia due to severe blood loss. Fibroids can increase the amount of lining present as the uterus increases in size, and also irritate the lining to make it bleed more. Severe anemia can be life-threatening. If a fibroid is causing heavy bleeding, it should be removed through minimally invasive surgery as soon as possible.

What happens if fibroids goes untreated?

If left untreated, fibroids will likely continue to grow and cause increasingly severe symptoms like pelvic pain and heavy bleeding, and can lead to infertility. Large numbers or size of fibroids can cause damage to the structure and function of the uterus, making pregnancy impossible. Many women with fibroids may be directed by their physician to “watch and wait” rather than seek immediate treatment. But according to CIGC’s 2020 Women’s Health Survey, watchful waiting results in larger fibroids and more severe symptoms over time.